a clock movie with genuine voices...
welly chapstick! ei'm imressepd! figen! (ti-poe)
a clock movie with genuine voices...
welly chapstick! ei'm imressepd! figen! (ti-poe)
HAI CHAP!!!11111
yo man tis is wak! chil duudE!!!1
yeeha brother! me n me homiez gona puta cap in yo ass bro! couldnt resist! your english is very good. hahaha kewl dood! lol, rofl, lmao, 1337, roxor your boxorz!
ok but
words like pussy, motherfucker and fag just cheapen the movie into something that a 10 year old would make.
Its how the character talks. He's a bad mouthed fairy. I thought that would be easy to pick up. And how do you know im not a 10 year old? :P
i'll write you your stinking review...
but I bet you don't do me the curtesy of replying to it. No why should you, Mr. 'high and mighty, give me reviews i wont respond to!'
This movie was very nostalgic for me, reminded me of the time i spent playing the original on my ps1. it certainly has gone a long way since then. And Wicked is the most wicked stick movie on NG!
Deserved of the coveted 1st out of the top 5 of the day.
That was hilarious, but couldnt you just find another way to go about this? Maybe combine your ideas into a reasonably sized movie, you have the talent to do so.
you put the c in rap!
all those people in it look like ghetto nerds
theres no c in rap. and only a fool would say that about mos def, mr lzax, possibly a reference to your outrageous scrotem? ghetto nerds? did u make that up urself? i know u want to code to be danny, DaNgErOuS WhItE PeOpLe<----rememberdaT!
keep up the good work + add music/soundFX
Hey thanks, one thing, there is music and sound FX's
That shouldnt be funny...
but my lack of morals makes me laugh at something sinister and twisted.
My grandparents, (and countless other peoples grandparents,) wouldn't think this was very funny. Considering they died fighting that racist, who would like nothing better than to kill all of the minorities in a gas chamber and have them thrown ito massive corpse pits. :(
If there was a rating for peverseness sickness you'd get a 10. I hope your happy you're mocking the deaths of millions for a cheap laugh. :S
My Grandpa found this funny and he fought against the Nazis. But then again my grandpa is senile and calls me "Blue".
who are those bunch of elderly hasbeens?
They are The Hook's Crew!!! Ph33r them!! Its a rabbit!! Run away!!!
(No HTML - 255 char. limit) The movies aren't mine, they are from the previous owner of this account, Izax, he gave this account to me
Age 36
Sex slave
(ex. - "Seattle, WA")
Joined on 8/9/01